Automotive Turbocharger
TURBOCAM produces high-volume turbocharger components for trucks and heavy vehicles including radial compressors, radial turbines, diffusers and complete performance-tested turbochargers for battle tanks.

Global manufacturing capabilities
Manufacturing locations in the United States, United Kingdom, India, and Romania enable the production of 1.2 million components and assemblies per year. Some impellers, milled from forgings, perform at the highest thermal efficiencies in the industry, recovering three times their cost in annual fuel savings.
Nozzles and other turbine components are treated at TURBOCAM with a unique diffusion for ferrous alloys called TX Metal Treatments that produces lubricity, unequalled wear resistance, and 50 percent greater resistance to debris impact. This diffusion into steels has also been demonstrated to retard crack propagation. This technology has now been deployed in over two million commercial vehicles.
Meeting demand
One of the biggest challenges of the automotive market is the demand cycle. We address these demand cycles by investing in capacity during periods of high demand and shifting available equipment to other market segments during low demand periods in the cycle.
It’s all about great people
None of this is possible without our people. The best automated equipment does nothing without skilled operators monitoring the processes. Orders are not entered and material is not ordered without our operations group. Mills would sit idle without programs from engineering.
Our greatest asset and our real ability to meet the demands of the industry come from our people. We serve our customers best because we strive to understand the market and provide service as well as quality components on time.